
In accordance with the requirements of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation):

Verbal Information
I will treat everything discussed between us as confidential. The only exception would be if I believed that you intended to cause serious and imminent harm to yourself or others, in which case I would discuss with you the need to reach out for wider support.

Written Information
I will keep any written information about your work with me confidential and secure. Aside from your contact details, the only written information that I am likely to hold are occasional notes after sessions, intended for my personal learning and reflection.

From time to time, I like to record sessions for learning and reflection with the focus being on my work as a counsellor, supervisor and facilitator.  If I want to record a particular session, I will ask your permission in advance.  All recordings will be kept on a private and secure computer and deleted shortly afterwards.


My own Supervision
In accordance with good ethical practice, I meet with a supervisor for ongoing professional development. My clients' identities are kept private from him and, as a further safeguard, he is also bound by a commitment to confidentiality.

Disposal of Records
When you decide that you are ready to stop meeting with me, I will dispose of any written information relating to our work together.

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