Social Outreach Overseas

Francisca Yessenia and her friends learning how to plant coffee
Francisca Yessenia and her friends learning how to calculate where best to plant their coffee seedlings

Part of my income from counselling and supervision supports community development projects in Honduras, a country where I used to live.  The projects are implemented by the Lenca Foundation for Community Development, whose volunteer staff are community leaders of great vision, committed to the empowerment of women and young people.

In 2022, the projects included

  • 10 acres of coffee plantations
  • A tree nursery with 1,000 lemon, orange, avocado and oak tree seedlings and 5,000 coffee seedlings
  • High school education for 30 young people
  • 2 apprenticeships in metalwork

If you would like to learn more about the projects and to follow their progress, please click here for the website of the Tigh Sgoile Trust, an organisation that I set up with my husband Chris in 2021.

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